Well our time here in Ukraine is coming to an end today. We can't believe it has gone by so fast! It's like we just arrived here!
We are getting ready to head to the airport in about an hour. We will have a 1.5 hour flight to Warsaw, a 2 hour lay over and then a flight that is just under an hour to Budapest.
We are really praying for our kids to be well behaved and to handle the traveling well today. Elisabeth has been really REALLY fussy. She is cutting three teeth and we are pretty sure she is going through a grow spurt! Guess those are good reasons to be fussy, right?
We have never been to Hungary so we have no idea what to expect concerning just about anything. Ha ha. We are going prepared to be FLEXIBLE! Blessed are the flexible for they do not break :)
We aren't sure when we will have internet next but we will update you on whats going on when we have a chance!
Thank you to those who have taken the time to write us an e-mail or leave comments on our blog. You are appreciated more than you know!!!
I pray for your safety and that the babies are ok. I will be happy to know when you are safe in the airport at albuq. love you kkhh be safe my babies,,