Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We Are Home

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Our flight over the ocean ended up being 9.5 hours and Will was pretty restless by the end.

When we arrived in Washington we found out that a wheel had been broken off our stroller. This was a really big bummer because we had to go through customs and a few long lines while Will was already extremely cranky and having a "melt down" every ten minutes. However, we ended up getting through it all and he had a chance to run around for a while after all of the long lines.

All of our luggage arrived in ABQ and we were able to file paperwork for our stroller. The people with United Airlines said that because the stroller was broken on a transatlantic flight that she thought things would get worked out. We will find out what will happen in 3-4 weeks. We're not too worried about it since the lady we spoke to seemed pretty confident about it getting sorted out.

We were both wide awake at 3 AM this morning so I'm sure we have a loooong day ahead but nevertheless its nice to be home.

John & Nichole

Monday, July 16, 2012

Departing Odessa/Prayer Request

This morning John and I ran out for a few last chocolate bars and to grab some lunch.

We will leave Odessa at 3 PM our time and stay overnight in Vienna. We will leave Vienna at 10:00 AM and arrive in Washington DC sometime late afternoon.

PLEASE pray for a smooth plane ride over the ocean. We will have 8 hours of entertaining Will and we do not have a bulk head so we will be holding the baby the entire time.

Thank you :)

John & Nichole

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Departing from a mission trip can be a little bittersweet.

You come together not knowing much about one another or the place you will be serving in. The jet lag and heat (here in Ukraine) you experience at the beginning makes you irritable and probably question why you even decided to go on the trip. However, once you get a little settled in, meet your new room mates, taste a little of the start to become a family. A family who is laboring over one common goal, "Jesus Christ".

We had a great team this year. It was refreshing to have a team that was flexible, did not complain, rolled with the punches and truly had joy for what they were doing.

This year as we pulled away from Petrodolina I cried. I think for the first time I really felt like I was leaving a little piece of who I am there...or maybe its that a little piece of Ukraine was coming with me...I'm not sure. What I do know is that it is not us saying "Goodbye" to Ukraine but "Dasvidanya" which means "until we meet again".

Our last team debriefing

The bus ride back to Odessa

Saying our "Goodbyes" before getting on the bus


Debriefing is probably my favorite time on the trip. This always takes place at the end of the trip and you talk through all the the things the Lord has shown you, what you experienced, surprises, etc. This year the team answered these questions:

1. What was one high point on your trip and what did the Lord teach you through this SPECIFIC experience?
2. What did you see the Lord do on this trip?
3. What ministry skills did you sharpen and how will you use these in the future?
4. Did anything disappoint you about yourself on this trip?
5. Identify the areas that were most challenging for you.
6. What surprised you most about the culture?
7. Describe a new relationship you made on this trip.
8. Who or what ministry can help you remember what you have seen and learned on this trip?
9. Do you have any dreams or visions of God’s leading in your life that you did not have when you left home?
10. What have you learned from this time overseas that has helped you understand God’s future plan for your life? What are you going to do about it?

Our debriefing was 4 hours long and took place on Saturday. It was really a great time of chatting, sharing and praying! Praise God for all of the work He did!

Pictures from camp, the black sea and Odessa

Isaiah and Will hanging out. Will LOVED having a little buddy around!

Beach time at the black sea
Will chowing down on some shwarma (above) the girls below joined it too!

Heather is SERIOUSLY the baby whisperer! Every time she held Elisabeth she would fall asleep.

Camp Prayer Letter #7

Hello again from Ukraine!

Well, John just headed off to the airport with the team. They will be flying out of Odessa at 3 Pm our time which is the middle of the night for all of you! We are staying for one more day and will be back on Tuesday evening.

Our second camp week ended well and overall we thought that the camp ran very smooth for a first time camp! There were no hidden surprises and our team functioned so well together by being flexible and willing to step in at any moment to help someone else. We have had such a great trip and the Lord has done so much! Between the two camps we had between 130-140 students hear the Gospel. We made many new friendships with students and with our Ukrainian ministry partners. It is so amazing how God works through the barriers of language and culture. We truly feel like we made special bonds and poured our hearts out to those we came into contact with.

Thursday Pastor Alexander Gross, Andy Coyle (EEMN Missionary) and Ule Maggnus (Missionary) gave a presentation for the Bible school. The Bible school will open up in September and this will be the VERY FIRST lay ministry training center in Ukraine. We were able to hear of their vision for the Bible school , how we can come along side to be involved and how we can help support if we feel the Lord leading us. This will be a very special ministry to the Ukrainians and Russians.

On the first day of training on our trip we all answered, “Why did I come on this mission trip?” Now being at the end of our trip some of us can now see that God had other plans and things to reveal to each of us. Perhaps even realizing that when we thought we were coming to minister to the Ukrainians we were actually the ones who received the ministering. It was a great joy to be able to see all that God did in each team member.

Coming on a mission trip is something we would strongly encourage every Christian to do. Not only because we are called to fulfill the great commission through this but also because it is an excellent way to get out of your comfort zone, to see the world from someone else’s point of view and see first had God’s mighty hand at work. Thank you SO much to many of you who have bathed our group in prayer and to the many of you who have financially supported people to come on the trip. We could not have done this without you.

By His grace,

John & Nichole

Friday, July 13, 2012

Pics of the kids

Pictures from Tuesday-Thursday

If you read our camp letter #6 it will explain what these pictures are from.