We arrived safely back in Albuquerque yesterday afternoon.
The kids were quite restless the flight from Chicago to Albuquerque and definitely ready to be done with traveling and airplanes. Who blames them? I don't want to see an airplane or an airport for a while either! :)
We stopped to pick up Chipotle on the way home! Boy was it nice to eat some beans and salsa! We got ourselves fully unpacked while the kids were napping yesterday and then in order to keep ourselves awake we went to the grocery store and walk around Costco.
It is nice to be back home and feel the comfort of our own bed. It seems so crazy to us to think we just traveled across the world! Our time away went by so quickly!
We plan on taking today and tomorrow to just focus on spending time with our kids before we get back into the swing of life this next week. We're not sure if we will be at church on Sunday but we definitely will next week. Looking forward to seeing many of your faces!
welcome back to fun in the sun. lol I really enjoyed the blogs you took the time to write and post. Miss you and guess I might see you in Nov. that is if you don't get up this way. Be safe and kkhh..love ya'll