Monday, June 24, 2013

Prayer Letter

Hello everyone! Today we finished our first day of English Bible Camp! It was really great to be back at the school and our team was so excited to begin teaching. There were definitely some bumps on the first day of camp but nothing that can’t be fixed the second day. 

 We had 74 children in camp this morning, with 10 more expected to attend tomorrow. There were lots of children who came back to camp from last year! 55 of those students were students who have attended previous camps! The age range of camp this year is 6-18. The average class size is 10 students.

This year we have two weeks of camp planned. This week we are in the village of Yosipivka which is about two miles down the road. We are enjoying English lessons, sports, videos, crafts, drama and games. With the help of our able Ukrainian translators, we share the gospel with our students. 
 This year our theme is “living in love”, with lessons from the life of Jesus. John 3:16 is our theme verse,” For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that who so every believes in Him will not perish but have every lasting life.” 
We are handling juggling being leaders and having the kiddos along but here are definitely challenges. Our niece Kate is along helping and she has been a great help to us. She is awesome with Will & Elisabeth. Pray for us to have good balance between our children and ministry.  
We have really enjoyed being here and Will has been so excited! This morning when we arrived at the school Will said, "Mom! It's Ukraine! IT'S MY FAVORITE! We will sing songs!" It was so cute and he was SO excited! Ha ha!
Thanks so much for your prayers and support! 
John and Nichole 

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing new posts on here. Continuing in prayer!
    Love, Sarah
