Monday, July 9, 2012

Camp Letter #5

Hello everyone!

This past weekend we spent time in Odessa. We stayed at the St. Pauls Church Center Friday and Saturday night. We got some rest and were able to spend some time touring. A few of our Ukrainian translators came with us to show us around. Sunday morning we went to church at St. Paul’s and then that afternoon we took a bus back to Petrodolina.

We have completed our first day of camp today. The camp this week was on the church property and it was the first time we have had a camp here. We set up two huge tents in the grass area and used of them as an assembly hall where we do music, puppet shows and dramas. The other tent is being used as a classroom. We have also been using rooms inside of the church for classrooms. Crafts has taken place outside under a picnic pavilion.

It has been really warm here! Almost every day has been in the mid nineties here and there is no air conditioning. Everyone on our team has been troopers! We have a great team full of people who are flexible, encouraging and positive! It has been so great to serve side by side with such awesome people. Pray for our team to stay hydrated and to stay cool whenever possible.

Prayer Requests:

-We have a student in our camp this week that needs prayer. His name is Lyonya. Pray for him to come to know the Lord. (See below for more info from Donald’s testimony)

-Pray for our team to stay healthy. Today Pastor Don has come down with something. He has had a migraine and is throwing up.

Praise Report:

-We have about 40 kids at camp this week!

-Matt’s foot is feeling better!

Testimony from our team members:

“Often, I think, we as an individual preparing for a situation I make the mistake of considering myself as more that I really am. During this short term mission trip my Father and I, as well as our translator, have seen attitudes and thus outward appearances change. Beginning the first week of English Bible Camp in Yosipivka, Ukraine, my teaching group was met with ten rambunctious and slightly rebellious (young) teenagers. The trend of misbehavior continued through Tuesday but following prayer and team building Tuesday night and Wednesday morning we began to see complexions melt and eagerness to engage with us and the material to surface. We cannot transform hearts, only God can. That is a miracle! Although the Spirit is at work here in Ukraine we require the prayers and fervent communication with God in order to see ministry produce fruit. Please pray and keep those on your hearts here who don’t have clean water, loving families or know a God who brings hope. May the Spirit of God transform lives. Amen.”

-Chris Pieper

“Last week we had a troubled kid come to camp. He is a big heavy kid that everyone picks on. Lyonya is around 11 or 12 years old. He lives with his grandmother. His mother lives in Odessa and visits once a month. He begs for attention and I interact with him as much as I can. He does just what he wants and does not head authority. He is not in my class this week but He needs adult male interaction, but most of all Jesus.”

-Donald Inglis

By His grace,

John & Nichole

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