Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hello From Dulles International Airport

Here we are sitting in the Dulles Airport. The first flight from ABQ went pretty smooth! We ate some Chipotle for lunch and now we are taking care of last minute business and letting the kids get a nap before our plane departs. We will be leaving Dulles at 5:30, flying to Vienna and then onto Odessa. It will be a total of 21 hours of travel, if there are no delays. Here's praying to both kids being good travelers! :)

It seems so crazy that we are here again waiting on this side of the pond to go spend time with those in Ukraine. Time sure does fly by!! We are very excited about what the Lord IS going to do this year. Last year when we got home we were surprised at how the Lord used us just being a family as an encouragement to those we came into contact with. We are praying for the same thing this year.

Here are a few specific prayer requests:
-A smooth flight over the ocean. That the kids both sleep and that we get some sleep too.
-Quick time change adjustment.
-A fruitful time with our friends Andy & Monica! :)

Thank you for all of your support!

by His grace,
John, Nichole & the kiddos

1 comment:

  1. Ken and Michelle SwanJune 25, 2012 at 6:12 AM

    We miss you already, John, Nichole, Will, Elisabeth and Sarah. We wish you a blessed and safe trip on this Moberly Adventure. We Love you so much. Dad and Michelle.
