Sunday, July 3, 2011

Update & Prayer Request

Thanks so much for all of your prayers! Will seems to be doing a little better. He only has a slight fever tonight and is eating a little better. Please pray that we can keep him hydrated. We don't want him to get dehydrated from the diarrhea. This is the most dangerous part about him being sick. He has been drinking various things but we can only make him drink so much. Our friends who just moved here to be missionaries had some powdered gatorade so today we have been using that. Thank you Andy & Monica Coyle!

The first day of our Ukraine camp starts tomorrow morning! We are very excited for what the Lord will bring this week. We went over to the school today to get set up and check out the facilities. Everyone was able to set up their classroom and since we were at a new school this year it was nice to see the set up!

Please pray for the hearts of the children to be soft and for our teachers to be filled with the Holy Spirit this week! We will post pictures tomorrow! Thanks so much!

John & Nichole

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