Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Update on Will

Hello again from Ukraine!

Because Will still had a fever (103) yesterday we decided to try and find a doctor. We were able to take him to what is equivalent to a nurse practitioner pediatrician. She gave Will some antibiotic that he will be taking for the next week. We are hoping that this will do the trick for him! He has had fever on and off today. This evening I called the nurse advice line (in the states) and spoke to a nurse. She said that if he still the fever after taking the antibiotic for 2-3 days that we will need to go back in and get another antibiotic. We are praying that that wont be necessary. It's not exactly easy to get there and we really just want Will to feel better. Will has done SO well on this entire trip, thank the Lord! We are also so thankful that we happen to have a pharmacist on our trip with us! She has been helpful with answering medical questions and giving us information about medicine and what not!

This week it has been kind of hard for us with having him sick because we have been the team leaders for this camp. We think its just satan coming in and trying to mess things up. Along with some other various challenges we have had at camp this week! However, God is Good everyday, in every way. We are thankful for all of your prayers.

We are also so thankful to be here in Ukraine! It has been a rough start to the camp but after today things are going smooth! We have a great team and are so blessed by their flexibility and willingness to serve in whatever capacity is asked. We would gladly serve with these fine folks anytime.

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